Indian descent Rishi Sunak to rule Britishers? Know why Indians are excited
Image Credit: Reuters

Indian descent Rishi Sunak to rule Britishers? Know why Indians are excited

The moment Boris Johnson announced his resignation from the Conservative Party as the party head, Rishi Sunak on Friday reacted to Johnson’s decision and said he was running to replace Boris post to his announcement.

"Someone has to grip this moment and make the right decisions. That's why I'm standing to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and your prime minister," Rishi Sunak, the Former British Finance Minister said in a campaign video released on Twitter.

The moment Boris Johnson announced his resignation from the Conservative Party as the party head, Rishi Sunak on Friday reacted to Johnson’s decision and said he was running to replace Boris post to his announcement.

Post the resignation of Johnson, Rishi Sunak is appearing as the most favorable person for the next PM of the nation. Rishi had earlier served as Finance Minister in the Cabinet, Rishi Sunak grabbed the attention of the masses in covid times for Covid Relief Packages. Her better half, Akshita Murthy too has become more active and went into the news when she herself came to serve tea to reporters. It must be known here that Akshita is daughter of Infosys Co-Founder Narayan Murthy.


Why Rishi’s announcement excites India?


Well, this news hit the streets in the Indian markets too as Rishi Sunak is an Indian Descent, also her wife Akshita Murthy too is the Daughter of Narayan Murthy, Co-Founder of IT Company Infosys. One of the basic reasons for this excitement is the fact that for the first time an Indian Descent would be owing a possibility to rule Britishers who once ruled India. This feeling actually fills Indians( us) with an enthusiasm and makes us feel as if this scenario would yield us a satisfaction never like before.

Indian descent Rishi Sunak to rule Britishers? Know why Indians are excited
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Political Scenario: Will Rishi’s Reign result in more close association with Britain?


This actually owns no direct answer. For sure if Rishi succeeds to attain power then it would have no negative impact on the present relations with India as earlier too Britain had maintained good relations with Britain.

However, there may be chances that Rishi might take initiatives for better relations with India but it owns fewer possibilities as Sunak is Indian to ‘us’ but is a Britisher in real and obviously he would opt for decisions which serve ‘his’ nation for most.

Image Credit: The Telegraph

So is it a moment of Pride or not?


It’s ofcourse a proud moment for us as his nomination not only indicates his capability to rule a nation which once rules India, i.e. nation of his ancestors but also indicates Rishi’s acceptance in his party as well in the nation.

Indian descent Rishi Sunak to rule Britishers? Know why Indians are excited
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