Sony Launches New Satellite Service Unit Targeted to Build, Supply Space Lasers

Sony formed a new company that will build devices that can supply small satellites in orbit to communicate with another one through laser beams.
Sony Launches New Satellite Service Unit Targeted to Build, Supply Space Lasers
Image Credit: Sony

Sony stated on Thursday that it formed a new company that will build devices that can supply small satellites in orbit to communicate with another one through laser beams, dipping into the fast-growing space sector.

Sony Space Communications intends to use laser technology to bypass a radio frequency congestion

Sony Space Communications

Sony Space Communications, which was registered on Wednesday, intends to use laser technology to bypass a radio frequency congestion. The gadgets will communicate between space satellites and satellites connecting with ground stations.

The business did not specify when it hopes to have its first commercial gadget in orbit, whether it already has clients lined up, or how much money it has invested in the technology yet.

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Amazon and SpaceX build vast networks of low-earth satellites

There are approximately 12,000 satellites in orbit, a number that is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years as rocket companies reduce the cost of launching things into space and companies like Amazon and SpaceX build vast networks of low-earth satellites to carry internet communications around the world.

"The amount of data utilized in orbit is rising year by year, but the number of usable radio waves is restricted," said Kyohei Iwamoto, head of the new business.

SpaceX develops its own laser communications devices, which it initially deployed on its Starlink satellites late last year.

Sony stated that one of its first successful tests happened in 2020 when it transferred high-definition image data by laser from the International Space Station to a Japanese base station.

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