In the city of Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, a smartphone turned into a fatal disaster for a family on Saturday. The smartphone blast resulted in the tragic loss of lives of four children from the same family.
Their parents were severely injured during the incident. While undergoing treatment, the four children tragically succumbed to their injuries.
Today, we will discuss the mistakes related to mobile phones which can prove to be extremely dangerous for users. These mistakes can damage your smartphone's battery and may lead to a mobile explosion.
We will be sharing some safety tips to avoid these mistakes and ensure your safety.
Overcharging your smartphone should be avoided. Overcharging the battery of a mobile phone can damage it. Many users leave their mobile phone charging overnight, which can deteriorate the health of the battery.
Smartphones are often placed in areas that are already warm. In such cases, the body of the mobile phone can overheat, which can potentially lead to a battery blast.
If your smartphone's battery is swollen, it should be replaced. Instead, use the battery recommended by the company.