In a heartbreaking occurrence in Uttar Pradesh's Kaushambi district, a woman is said to have been the victim of a gang rape committed by two males.
The local police department acted quickly, filing a First Information Report (FIR) based on the woman's accusation.
The terrible incident is believed to have occurred on August 3rd, while the woman was returning home from Mata Sheetla shrine in Kada Dham.
It was getting late, and she was waiting for public transport. At this critical juncture, two people appeared on the scene, one identified as a district panchayat member named Sheru and the other as Jubair Ahmed.
They approached her in a four-wheeled vehicle, explaining that transit would be limited at that hour and offering her a lift in their vehicle. Tragically, their seemingly benevolent act became nasty.
Instead of assisting her, they allegedly drove her to a forested area, forcibly locked the car, and subjected her to a horrible rape ordeal, taking turns assaulting her.
They placed a rag into her lips to silence her cry for aid. To make matters worse, the offenders videotaped the ordeal and threatened to post it online if she tried to report it.
One of the perpetrators allegedly placed a gun to her head, menacingly warned her not to reveal the attack lest she and her family face severe consequences.
After eluding their grasp, the woman went to a nearby police station to file a report.
Her initial plea, however, fell on deaf ears, as the station's in-charge appeared to dismiss her sad story. Undaunted, she went to the office of the Superintendent of Police (SP), where she formally filed her complaint.
Acting quickly, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Samar Bahadur intervened, ensuring that a case was filed against both Sheru and Jubair Ahmed.
ASP Samar Bahadur acknowledged the woman's complaint of alleged gang rape, confirming that a FIR had been filed in her name.
Since then, an active investigation has been undertaken in order to find the truth and bring those guilty to justice.