Bengaluru Ranks Second for Most Congested City Worldwide After London

Top 10 Congested Cities: In terms of traffic congestion, London is first in the world, while India's Bengaluru is second. The traffic index is based on last year's traffic data of 389 cities in 56 countries.
Bengaluru Ranks Second for Most Congested City Worldwide After London
Bengaluru Ranks Second for Most Congested City Worldwide After LondonFile Photo

Top 10 Congested Cities: In terms of traffic congestion, London is first in the world, while India's Bengaluru is second.

Bengaluru has been named the world's second most congested city in the city centre (BBMP area) category, according to the traffic index released by TomTom, a Danish institute of technology experts.

The traffic index is based on last year's traffic data of 389 cities in 56 countries.

Bengaluru Ranks Second for Most Congested City Worldwide After London
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India's Pune is also included in the top 10 cities

India's Pune is also included in the top 10 cities
India's Pune is also included in the top 10 cities

According to a TomTom report, India's Pune is also included in the top 10 cities of the world with the most traffic congestion.

It is placed at number six. It was said in the report that on average, any person takes 29.10 minutes to cover a distance of 10 kilometres in Bengaluru. The average speed of vehicles there is 18 kilometres per hour.

Whereas in Maharashtra's Pune, it takes 27.20 minutes to cover a distance of 10 km. The average speed of vehicles there is 19 kilometres per hour. New Delhi is at number 34 and Mumbai at number 47 in the list.

A look at top 10 congested cities

London, the world's number one congested city, takes an average of 36.20 minutes to cover a distance of 10 kilometres.

The average speed of vehicles there is 14 kilometres per hour. Ireland's Dublin city is third, Japan's Sapporo fourth, Italy's Milan fifth, Romania's Bucharest seventh, Peru's Lima eighth, Philippines' Manila ninth and Colombia's Bogota at number 10.

Bengaluru was number 10 in 2021

Bengaluru was ranked tenth in the traffic index in 2021 and sixth in 2020. That is, there the traffic is increasing year after year.

The report suggested that the traffic load can be reduced by promoting work from home.

This will save time of the person and also reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

Bengaluru Ranks Second for Most Congested City Worldwide After London
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