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Money Will Be Charged For Posting, Liking and Replying on X, The Company Wants To Reduce The Risk of AI
Shivam Verma
Shivam Verma
Shivam Verma
2 min read
Now you will have to pay a charge for writing, liking, bookmarking and replying to posts on social media platform X. X owner Elon Musk has said this in response to a user's post on his handle.
TATA IPL 2024: IPL Record
Kaushal Kowjalgi
Kaushal Kowjalgi
Kaushal Kowjalgi
3 min read
TATA IPL Record: In the format like the T20, the batters are the ones who have gained more and more in demand because of the fours and sixes. The crowd also loves watching the batsmen who hit the boun ...
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