Taking Vitamin D And Calcium Supplements Together Increases the Risk Of Heart Stroke

Taking Vitamin D And Calcium Supplements Together Increases the Risk Of Heart Stroke

American Scientists Believe that Taking These Two Medicines Together Would Lead to Atherosclerosis

Calcium and vitamin D are both needed to keep bones healthy and strong. But if these two supplements are taken together then the risk of heart stroke increases. This thing has come up in a new study.

Calcium and vitamin D are both essential for our body. Both of these things are needed to keep bones healthy and strong and if any one of them is deficient in the body then the bone becomes fragile and there is an increased risk of fracture. In such a situation, dairy products and plant-based diets are considered the best sources of vitamin D and calcium. But many times calcium and vitamin D deficiency cannot be met through diet, due to which doctors recommend taking supplements.

But in a recent study, it has been claimed that if calcium and vitamin D supplements are taken together, the risk of heart stroke increases . The results of this study, published in The Annals of International Medicine, examined what and how these two supplements affect the human body.

The research focused on 16 different nutritional supplements and 8 dietary interventions to try to understand how these calcium and vitamin D supplements affect an individual's cardiac health. The results of the research show that eating together calcium and vitamin D supplements increases the risk of heart stroke by 17 percent.

American scientists believe that taking these two medicines together would lead to atherosclerosis. This is a condition in which the artery, ie, the arteries becomes very narrow due to the formation of fat, cholesterol and other things around the artery wall, which increases the risk of stroke.

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