Children’s Business under the Guise of Adoption in America

Children’s Business under the Guise of Adoption in America

The adoption process in the US is private and there is no control over it. Due to this the business of buying and selling of babies has come up.

America's Shayne Klupp married in 2009. Then she was 20 years old. A few months later she became pregnant. But this enthusiasm soon waned, as soon as it was learned that the husband was facing a prison sentence. Therefore, despite not wanting, she agreed to adopt the child to come. When the couple started a search, the Adoption Network Law Center (ANLC) was found.

In 2010 she did the paperwork. In which there was also the option that she could refuse to give birth. (In America, the expectant mother has the right to change the decision before the birth of the child). When Klupp spoke to a counselor about this, she said that if she backs off, the adoptive couple will have to pay back the thousands of dollars they spent. Gracie Hallex joined the ANLC in 2017 and 2018 to have two children.

The Adoption Process in the US is private

These women were so scared that they did not even discuss the issue. Because the adoption process in the US is private and there is no control over it. Due to this the business of buying and selling of babies has come up. According to the National Adoption Council of America, there are 13 thousand to 18 thousand adoptions in the country every year. Of this, more than a thousand are through the private sector. 20 lakh is charged from the adoptive couple.

Image Credit: Dainik Bhaskar
Image Credit: Dainik Bhaskar

This does not include procedure expenses, expenses on the expectant mother and her family. According to the employee attached to the agency, double the recovery is done. The paucity of babies and the feelings of desperate adoptive parents have made middlemen more powerful, according to Celeste Leverciz, a California adoption attorney.

Agencies, lawyers, consultants and facilitators charge thousands of dollars. This illegal business is flourishing due to lack of strict punishment. In 2019, a resolution was brought to stop this buying and selling of children, but Congress failed to pass it.

Adopted couples are given wrong information for double earnings

The rigging of agencies has also increased because they get the least punishment if caught. For example, the Doreen-Kevin Chrysler couple from Florida signed the agency. When the time came to take the child, the agency said that the child was born with deformities.

The couple postponed the decision to adopt. Later it was found that the child was healthy, it was given to another couple to earn more money. When the matter surfaced in the media, action was taken against the agency. But after some time he was given the license again.

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