392078 Children Born Worldwide on the First Day of the Year

In India, 67385 children were born on New Year day i.e. January 1, which is a record.
392078 Children Born Worldwide on the First Day of the Year

In India, 67385 children were born on New Year day i.e. January 1, which is a record. No child was born on 1 January in any other country. China was in the second place in this list. Let us tell you that in the year 2020, the first child was born in Fiji in the Pacific region. At the same time, 17 percent of the children born worldwide on January 1 are born in India.

UNICEF has released data on children born on the first day of the year. According to these figures, 3,92,078 children were born on 1 January 2020. The maximum number of 67385 children were born in India. China was second in this list. It is followed by Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia, America, Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia. It is said that about 50 percent of the total children born worldwide are in these eight countries.

The first child was born in Fiji in the Pacific in the year 2020. At the same time, the last child born on the first day will be in America. UNICEF has revealed facts about children born worldwide. A sad figure in these facts is also that in 2018, 25 lakh newborns lost their lives in the first month of birth. About one-third of these babies died on the day they were born.

During the last three decades, the world has achieved a remarkable achievement in avoiding deaths of children before their fifth birthday. This figure is more than fifty percent. However, this is still worrying in the case of newborns. In 2018, the share of children dying within the first month of birth was 47 percent of all deaths under five years of age. In 1990, this stake was 40 percent.

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