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What to do if your Facebook Account Gets Hacked?

Hacking of social media accounts is no more a matter of surprise, however, we can suggest you some ways through which you can protect your account if hacked.

Social media applications have played a crucial role in revolutionizing communication. Apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram(all of them used to be different platforms earlier) not just eased our lives but communication. Setting up communication with someone miles away used to be a big deal(in simple terms costly), however, such applications changed the scenario completely.

Moreover, with the advancement in technology, activities like hacking also came into being, and today the world has been trying to combat the threats of phishing.

Well, today we’ll be telling you how you could protect your Facebook account from such unwanted attacks or could restore your account if hacked.

How to know if you’re account is being hacked?
Facing Trouble in Logging:
this is one of the basic and the foremost step a hacker use to do while hacking an account. Hackers, change the email address or phone number, or password associated with the account. Thus, a clear sign stating hacking of your account.

Change in Personal information: Many times hackers, change the user bio or their account setting, thus one should always look over this part to confirm whether the account is being hacked or not.

Timeline showing unfamiliar Posts or Shares: if your timeline shows posts or shares not done by you, it’s then another sign indicating that your account is being hacked.

Sending Messages and unknown friend requests: another common step a hacker uses is to send messages to your friends, asking for sensitive information, money or etc. also, and they would also frequently send friend requests to a number of people, thus you should keep a track of this part too.

Unknown Login location: Facebook allows users to track a record of his/her login location from different devices. If you find your login from a device or location you never used or went to, it then indicates the possibility that your account is being hacked.

How to recover the account if hacked?
once you realize that your account is being hacked, the first step to be taken by you should be to change your password. Have a look on the following steps to change your password

  • Go to “Settings and Privacy

  • Select “Password and Security”

  • Now click on “Change Password”, it must be noted here that you you remember your previous password.

  • Make sure you own a strong password, i.e. the password should be a random series of alphabets or something like abcd, 123, ensure that your password includes special characters and is difficult for a hacker to attack your account.

On the same Password and Security page, you can view all the login details of your account. Go to the option, Where You’re Logged in, if you find any suspicious login details, then immediately remove your account from that system

  • Click on Suspicious log in

  • Select Secure Account

  • Now, Facebook will guide you through the steps to secure your account.

What if the Hacker logged you out
In such as case, go to Here, you’ll be asked to enter the phone number linked to your Facebook account, once you’ve entered the number linked to your account, you’ll have the access to your account again.

Stay Safe!! Hope you don’t come into such a situation.
Since independence