Elon Musk has made a big announcement regarding the X platform. Now many X users will get a chance to get a blue tick for free. However, it is a paid service that costs users hundreds of rupees monthly.
Elon Musk posted on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) to announce that X account holders with 2,500 verified subscriber followers will receive premium features for free.
Meanwhile, account holders with 5,000 followers will get Premium+ for free. Let us know about them in detail.
X Premium and X Premium Plus plans are two paid plans. The price of X Premium plan is Rs 650 monthly and Rs 6800 annually. On the other hand, the X Premium Plus plan is priced at Rs 1300 monthly and Rs 13,600 annual subscription.
However, you can use these plans for free by fulfilling the conditions set by Elon Musk.
Talking about the features of X Premium, it includes 50% reduction in advertisements. Users can do things like edit posts, make longer posts, undo posts, and post larger videos. Additionally, users will also receive a blue tick verification badge.
In X Premium Plus, users get more features in exchange for a slightly higher price. It also includes various customization features. Also, subscribers of X Premium and Premium+ can utilize GrokAI, the recently introduced AI chatbot.