Stay Away From These 5 Deadly Foods That Can Cause Cancer

You may know that optimal health starts in the kitchen, but do you know that diet is at the heart of many cancers?
Image Credit: Youtube
Image Credit: Youtube

Up to 70% of cancers can be prevented through diet. The other 30% has to do with genetic and environmental factors that you cannot control. Today we will tell you about the foods which will help to reduce the chances of cancer. Finally, we will show you an easy way to determine what exactly is good to eat.

Canned Products

Image Credit: Recipes| HowStuffWorks
Image Credit: Recipes| HowStuffWorks

Canned food contains high levels of salt and sugar, but it is not the main reason that is bad for you.
Cans that contain food are often linked with the hazardous chemical BPA, a known hormone disruption that has also been linked to cancer. BPA will release food that comes into contact with it, especially things that are naturally acidic, such as tomatoes.
Instead, eat your product fresh or frozen, or only buy canned products that are labelled as BPA-free.

Soda Pop

We are not telling you any such thing that you don't know when we say that soda is bad for you. Sugar is essential in small amounts but is also a favourite food of cancer cells, and soda is enough to kill a horse.
It has no nutritional value and you are at greater risk of cancer due to artificial chemicals and dyes. If this is a caffeine boost you need for energy, a very healthy alternative is lightly sweetened tea or coffee, both of which have anti-cancer properties.

Potato chips

Image Credit: BloombergQuint
Image Credit: BloombergQuint

Chips are not healthy because they contain too much salt and saturated fat which weighs heavily on your body's digestive system. They increase the risk of cancer. Some are called acrylamide, a carcinogenic chemical that is cooked at any time at high temperatures.
Frying potatoes produces a lot of it, but this is why health experts recommend grazing your meat during cooking. Acrylamide is also found in cigarettes and is part of the reason for how deadly they are.

Smoked and Processed Meat

Red meat, in general, should be limited due to its high-fat content, but any meat that has been processed is almost completely avoided. This will not be easy as there are lots of tasty products to list, including bacon, lunch meats, sausages, jerky and smoked barbecue.
Many of these foods are preserved using nitrate and nitrite, which are linked to cancer. And even though smoking is an old technique for preserving food, it moves meat to tar in the process.

Agricultural Salmon

Image Credit: FishFarmingExpert.Com
Image Credit: FishFarmingExpert.Com

You may be wondering what is leftover that you can eat, especially in terms of protein, but rest assured that fish can still be a very healthy option. Naturally lean, it contains high levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that your body really needs.
Unfortunately, farmed salmon lead a congested, high-stress life and are fed an unnatural diet full of antibiotics and cancer-causing chemicals. As a result, their meat is high in PCBs, dioxins and mercury – all dangerous goods for humans to consume.

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