In Rajasthan's Kotputli Behror district, a case of severe beating of an eighth-grade student has emerged from an English medium school. The student's only mistake was completing his science homework in a different notebook.
It is alleged that three teachers collectively beat the student brutally for this reason. The student has sustained injuries in 10 different areas on his body.
According to reports, Gaurav, a resident of Bansur, studies in the eighth grade at a private English medium school. Gaurav's father, Mahendra Sharma, stated that his son's science notebook was lost, resulting in pending homework for two to three days.
Gaurav completed his homework in another notebook. When the school teacher discovered this, he severely beat Gaurav with a ruler.
During the beating, the student fell to the ground. Two other teachers from the school were also present and joined in the severe assault on Gaurav.
Additionally, Gaurav reported that when he went to the principal to file a complaint against the teachers, the principal did not listen to him and instead beat him as well. Despite falling to the ground during the beating, the teachers continued to kick and hit him.
Gaurav has sustained injuries on his knees, hands, face, neck, and back. His father, Mahendra, reported that there are 10 marks of injury on his body.
Distressed, Mahendra has filed a complaint with the police, who have registered an FIR and initiated an investigation based on the complaint. Bansur Police Station Chief confirmed that the case involves teachers assaulting student in a private school. The police are investigating the matter and questioning the school staff.