The special court in Indore on Saturday sentenced six people, including Congress Rajya Sabha MP Digvijaya Singh, to one year's rigorous imprisonment in connection with the clash with the protesting workers of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh in the year 2011. A fine of five thousand rupees was also imposed on all six convicts.
Special judge Mukesh Nath convicted Digvijaya and former Ujjain Lok Sabha MP Premchand Guddu under sections 325 (intentionally causing grievous hurt) and sections 109 (abetment to assault) of the Indian Penal Code, while four other persons Anant Narayan, Jai Singh Darbar, Aslam Lala and Dilip Chaudhary were convicted under section 325.
The court acquitted three other accused in the case - Congress MLAs Mahesh Parmar, Mukesh Bhati and Hemant Chauhan from the Tarana area of Ujjain district for want of evidence. Later, on appeal by all the six convicts, including Digvijaya Singh, the special judge immediately stayed their sentence and released them on bail of Rs 25,000-25,000.
After being released on bail, Digvijaya told reporters that he would appeal against the decision of special court in the high court. Terming the FIR registered against him as "false", he said, "My name is mentioned as an accused in the original FIR of the incident." Wasn't even registered. Later, my name in the list of accused was included by the police due to political pressure.
Digvijaya and Premchand Guddu's lawyer Rahul Sharma said that both their clients have been sentenced for instigating others to beat up Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) activist Ritesh Khabia. The defence counsel claimed, "Prosecution documents say that Khabia's right hand was injured, while in reality his left hand was fractured."
According to the police, BJYM activists had tried to show black flags to Digvijaya on July 17, 2011, when his convoy was passing through the Jiwajiganj area of Ujjain, protesting against different controversial statements made by him. According to the police, Digvijaya, Guddu and others clashed with BJYM workers during the protests.