In an incident highlighting the anger and frustration caused by the floods in Haryana, a woman took matters into her own hands and slapped Ishwar Singh, a Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) MLA, during his visit to Guhla.
The region had been severely affected by the overflow of the Ghaggar River, resulting in widespread flooding.
The viral video capturing the incident depicts a gathering of people surrounding the MLA. In a visible state of rage, the woman approached him and delivered a forceful slap while expressing her discontent.
Her question, "Why have you come now?", reflected her dissatisfaction with the delayed response of the authorities to the flooding situation.
The breach of a small dam, known as a 'bundh,' had allowed water to enter the area, exacerbating the flooding woes.
Reacting to the incident, the JJP MLA recounted that he was confronted by the locals when he visited the village to assess the extent of the flood damage.
He shared that the woman blamed him for the breach, asserting that it could have been prevented had he taken action.
However, the MLA explained that the flooding was a result of natural calamities, such as heavy rainfall over the preceding days.
Despite the humiliation he faced, Ishwar Singh expressed his forgiveness towards the woman and stated that he would not pursue any legal action against her. He maintained that he did not desire any consequences for her actions.
This incident sheds light on the prevailing challenges faced by the region as relief efforts are underway to aid the affected villages in Punjab and Haryana.
The Ghaggar river's overflowing, combined with the recent heavy downpours, has led to a prolonged and distressing situation for the local communities.