The Maharashtra government, facing an alleged "cash crunch", has approved the purchase of 6 luxury cars for a total of Rs 1.37 crore for its ministers, senior officials of the sports and education department. Each of these cars cost around Rs 22.8 lakh and their purchase has been approved by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray and the Finance Department.
"The situation of the state is such that it will have to take a take loan to give salary of government officials"
This information has come after a statement given two days ago by the Cabinet Minister for Relief and Rehabilitation, Vijay Vadettivar. In his statement, Vijay Wadteivar said that "the state may have to take a loan to pay the salaries of government employees". He said in his statement this week, "The situation of the state is such that it will have to take a take loan to give salary of government officials for the next month. Except for only 3-4 departments, the expansions of all have also been reduced."
Minister Vijay Wadettiwar had blamed the Center for the lack of funds but he also said, "There is no cash crunch in the state to handle COVID-19". In the last 4 months, there has been a revenue loss of about Rs 50,000 crore due to the lockdown.
"Maharashtra is not supporting its people at this time"
In this sensitive time, the opposition party BJP has criticized the state government's decision to spend Rs 1.37 crore on luxury cars. In this regard, Ram Kadam of BJP said, "Maharashtra is not supporting its people at this time. It did not protect the police, who are working to protect people during the COVID-19 regardless of their lives and they did not pay their employees salary. But they have the money to buy luxury cars for their ministers.
He further said, "We request the government to withdraw the salary cut and give an economic package". Significantly, Maharashtra is one of the most affected states of COVID-19 across the country. There are 1.93 lakh COVID-19 infected cases, and 8,376 deaths reported here so far.
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