Money Laundering Case: Jacqueline Fernandez, accused in the Rs 200 crore money laundering case related to thug Sukesh Chandrasekhar, has got a big relief. The actress had sought permission from the Patiala House court to travel to Dubai to attend a conference.
Let us tell you that Jacqueline filed an application on Wednesday i.e. Jan 25, in which she sought permission from the court to go to Dubai to attend a program from January 27 to 30.
While hearing on that today, the court has given her permission to go to Dubai.
The Patiala House Court has allowed Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez to go to Dubai with conditions.
However, while giving relief to the actress, the court has ordered that she will have to inform about where Jacqueline Fernandez will stay during her foreign trip.
Jacqueline Fernandez is an accused in the Rs 200 crore money laundering case involving thug Sukesh Chandrasekhar. Jacqueline Fernandez is being investigated by the ED in the money laundering case. ED has questioned the actress several times in this matter.
Let us inform you that earlier in December last year too, Jacqueline had sought permission to go abroad to meet her family.
But, at that time the actress had withdrawn her petition for permission to go abroad.
This time Jacqueline applied again, to which the court has given her permission. However, according to the reports, while giving relief to the actress, the court has also ordered that Jacqueline will have to give information about where she will stay during her foreign trip.