Indian Army personnel on Tuesday gunned down 6 terrorists in the forests of the Rajouri sector of Jammu and Kashmir. All the terrorists killed at the hands of army personnel are said to be of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) of Pakistan. Along with this, there is also news that the new terrorist organization People's Anti-Fascist Front (PAFF) has taken responsibility for the recent terror attack in Poonch. This new terrorist organization has released a video and has claimed responsibility for the Poonch attack.
Let us inform that during the ongoing search operation to find the terrorists taking shelter in the forests of Rajouri, nine soldiers of the Indian Army have been martyred. Following this incident, Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat visited the area on October 16 and held discussions with the local commanders handling the ongoing counter-insurgency operations there. It is understood that commanders of the Indian Army were told to wait in operations or defeat them, rather than finding active terrorists on their own terms.
Along with this, there is also news that People's Anti-Fascist Front, a new terrorist organization operating in Jammu and Kashmir, has taken responsibility for the Poonch attack by releasing a video titled "Poonch Gun-Battle Day 1". The video released by these terrorists is of about eight minutes.
In the video shared on multiple channels on the Telegram app, a person is narrating in the Kashmiri dialect. However, an army source called the video a shoddy way to gain publicity.
Through the video, a Kashmiri terrorist has claimed that a patrol party of Indian soldiers was resting in the forest. By evening 4 to 5 soldiers also joined them. The soldiers decided to take a nap around 10 pm and left 2-3 people there. The jawan on duty was taking a nap for the next few hours. The terrorist further claims that after an hour he went closer to see. In the end, three soldiers and the people sleeping in the tent were ambushed. He claims that all were killed except the one who escaped from the tent.