Beware: This Small Mistake is Making You Physically and Mentally ill

Professor Lee says that everyone must take more than six hours of sleep daily to be physically and mentally healthy.
Image Credit: Amar Ujala
Image Credit: Amar Ujala

Both diet and sleep are considered essential for a healthy life. According to health experts, any deficiency in these two increases your risk of getting sick manifold. This is the reason why it is considered very important to keep these two in harmony. In a recent study, scientists have cautioned people who sleep less. In the conclusion of the study, researchers have said that not getting enough sleep continuously for just three nights can put a very bad effect on your mentally and physically healthy.

Researchers say that people's sleep has been affected significantly in recent years due to work and late-night use of gadgets. Its direct effect can be seen on the health of the people. For those who are not able to get at least six hours of sleep every day, many diseases are open to them. Negligence towards sleep can not only have a bad effect on your physical but also your mental health, be aware of this from now on. Let us know in detail the important things related to this study in the next slides.

Bad Effect – Mentally and Physically on Health

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Image Credit: FreePik

In a study conducted in the US, data from about 2,000 middle-aged, healthy and well-educated people were studied. Of these, 42 percent were those who were asked to sleep less than their daily sleep for only one to one and a half hours for a few days. At study completion, participants reported more mentally. Anger, nervousness, irritability, and loss of concentration as a result of sleep deprivation. The participants reported that there was a significant increase in upper respiratory problems. Pain, gas problems along with many other health disorders.

The connection between sleep and health

How serious can poor sleep affect health? To find out about this, researchers studied people who slept less than six hours for eight nights. According to experts, adults should get a minimum of six hours of sleep daily. In this regard, Sumi Lee, an assistant professor at the University of South Florida's School of Aging Studies and lead author of the study, said that people who could not get enough sleep on the very first night of the study saw a variety of symptoms. Due to poor sleep for three days, there were many problems mentally and physically in health of the people.

Serious side effects of not sleeping

In the study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, researchers say that a few days of persistent poor sleep may have gotten people used to it by day 5–6, but on day 6, participants reported severity of physical symptoms. Professor Sumi Lee says, "Many of us think that by sleeping less throughout the week, we can complete this sleep in the weekend, but their thinking is not only wrong but also very harmful to health. is. We have learned in the study that lack of sleep for just one night can have a bad effect on physical and mental health along with daily functioning.

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Image Credit: Flex Jobs

Six hours of sleep daily

Another study led by Professor Lee found that getting just 16 minutes of sleep a day. Can have an impact on the performance of daily tasks. In the conclusion of that study. It was told that even a small lack of sleep can reduce the activity of the brain. Due to this, along with increasing the problem of stress in people, many other types of disorders can be born. Professor Lee says that everyone must take more than six hours of sleep daily to be physically and mentally healthy. Sleep deprivation or interruption can make you seriously ill.

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