Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan shot Aditya Bhattacharya's film 'Dubai Return' in the year 2005. But the film will now be premiered at the Bandra Film Festival in 2021. The film was screened at the International Film Festival of India 2005 in 2005, but it was never released in theatres. This is a comedy film whose story is written by Vinay Choudhary. In the film 'Dubai Returns', Irrfan is playing the role of 'Aftab Angrez', a petty gangster. Another Aditya Bhattacharya film 'Raakh' will be screened at the film festival, which stars his longtime friend Aamir Khan.
Pooja Kohli, Artistic Director at BFF spoke about the screening of 'Dubai Returns' and said, "Aseem and I have been working together since the 2006 New York Indian Film Festival. Just a few days back we shared our old favorite films. I spoke to you about some of the great films that we should be showing at the festival and he talked about some great films, including Aditya's 'Dubai Return', which Irrfan has worked in. I am glad that he is on the Bandra Film Festival advisory. Coming on board as a member of the board, so that we continue to bring out the best of cinema for all."
Bandra Film Festival is a collaboration between the film 'Caravan' and 'YouTube'. The platform was launched in February, with Abhay Deol and Aseem Chhabra joining its advisory board. Irrfan Khan's last release was 'Angrezi Medium', where he worked with Kareena Kapoor, Radhika Madan, Dimple Kapadia, and Kiku Sharda. This comedy venture was directed by Homi Adajania.
Irrfan Khan died on 29 April last year at the age of 53 at Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai. He was admitted to the hospital a day earlier due to a colon infection. Irfan was also battling a serious illness like cancer for two years. He leaves behind his wife and two sons. Irrfan worked in great films like 'Maqbool', 'Life in a Metro', 'The Lunch Box', 'Piku', 'Talvar' and 'Hindi Medium'. He received Filmfare Award for 'Haasil' (Negative Role), 'Life in a Metro' (Best Actor), 'Paan Singh Tomar' (Best Actor-Critic), and 'Hindi Medium' (Best Actor). He was given the National Award for 'Paan Singh Tomar'.