Karan Kundrra, who became a part of the television reality show Bigg Boss 15, is in constant discussion. Recently, Farah Khan also gave the tag of top contestant in the show to Karan Kundrra, although after fighting with Prateek Sahajpal, now Karan wants to leave the show. The actor believes that he has earned a name by working hard for years, but now his name is getting spoiled in the show.
Recently, during a conversation with co-contestant Nishant Bhatt, Karan said, I think I will not get work by going out of here. My reputation is getting worse by staying here. I forgot who I am. What have you done to reach here? During a task last week, Karan Kundra, being aggressive, picked up Karan Kundra and slammed him. Due to this physical fight, Karan was fiercely scolded by Salman Khan. It was only after Salman's reprimand that Karan expressed concern over his image being tarnished.
Karan had told Jai Bhanushali about his and Prateek's fight, when I came to know that Prateek is going to be with me in the show, I called him. I'm proud of that. I am glad to see that he is sitting on the chair and I am standing with him. I am very embarrassed and happy that he did not take any action. My action during the task was like an affair, I was wondering how Prateek can take my BB notes. I was very hurt, I have not done this in any ego. that after this physical fight, Karan apologized to Prateek. The relationship between the two is settled, although Karan is constantly demanding to leave the show fearing that the image will be spoiled.