The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of actress Sherlyn Chopra. The arrest of Sherlyn Chopra in the pornographic film case has been stayed by the Supreme Court. In addition, the Maharashtra government has been served with a notice of the petition by the court. The arrests of Raj Kundra and Poonam Pandey had previously been put on hold by the Supreme Court.
On Chopra's appeal against a Bombay High Court ruling dismissing his anticipatory relief, a bench of Justices Vineet Saran and Aniruddha Bose has given notice to the Maharashtra government. "A notice has been sent out. In the interim, no coercive action against the petitioner should be taken. The bench remarked other accused in the case have also been granted protection from arrest, according to Sherlyn's lawyer, Sunil Fernandes.
In an FIR filed in connection with the matter, Sherlyn was named as a defendant alongside actress Poonam Pandey. Poonam Pandey was given protection from arrest by the Supreme Court on January 18. Her anticipatory bail motion, however, was denied by the High Court on November 25, 2021.
The arrest of Raj Kundra, who had been detained for two months in connection with a pornographic investigation had previously been put on hold. The arrest of Raj Kundra was postponed by the Supreme Court in December 2021. Raj Kundra has been released on bail. Raj Kundra was detained in the pornographic case last year under numerous laws. Raj Kundra went to the sessions court for temporary release, fearful of being arrested, but his request was denied. He then proceeded to the High Court. He had alleged that he was a suspect in this investigation.
Let us remind you that actress Gehana Vashistha was detained for the first time in this pornographic case in March of last year. Raj Kundra, Shilpa Shetty's husband, was arrested shortly after her. During that period, a large number of persons were detained in connection with this case. In this case, both Jewel and Raj have been released on bail. Both have always disputed the allegations leveled against them.