Lucknow: Condition of the Patient is Slowly Improving due to Plasma Therapy

Lucknow: Condition of the Patient is Slowly Improving due to Plasma Therapy

Dr. Tulika Chandra, chairperson of KGMU's Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine told that singer Kanika Kapoor will be called to deliver plasma next week

At King George's Medical University (KGMU), patient with corona virus who have been treated with plasma therapy for the first time are now slowly getting better in their condition. However, he is still on ventilator. On the other hand, the plasma of Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor will be taken by KGMU next week. On Saturday, the first time a corona patient was given plasma therapy at King George's Medical University in the capital on Sunday. The patient is a 58-year-old physician from Orai to whom plasma was donated by a Canadian female who was admitted to KGMU too.

"The condition of 58-year-old Corona-infected physicians who was given plasma therapy is now slowly improving," Dr. Tulika Chandra, chairperson of KGMU's Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine, told Friday, he is currently placed on a precautionary ventilator. The team of doctors is constantly monitoring their condition. "KGMU spokesperson Dr. Sandeep Tiwari said," The condition of the Orai doctor who was given plasma is stable and there is some improvement, but until the completion, it is not right to say anything.

She was asked if she was considering giving plasma to another corona-infected patient, to which Dr. Chandra said that out of the 10 patients admitted to KGMU, there is no such serious patient who is given plasma therapy. She told that singer Kanika Kapoor will be called to deliver plasma next week. So far, three patients who have been cured of the corona virus at KGMU have donated their plasma. These include Tausif Khan, a resident doctor, a female doctor of Canada and another patient.

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