Image Credit: ANI news
Image Credit: ANI news

Coronavirus: Schools Reopened after 17 Months, Strictly Following Covid Protocol

Schools have been opened in states like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan with strict protocols.

In view of the decline in the cases of coronavirus, schools have reopened in many states of the country today. Schools have been opened in states like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan with strict protocols. State governments have directed schools to follow the COVID-19 guidelines. Under this, it has been made mandatory to follow the mask and social distancing in the school. Along with this, thermal screening of students, teachers and staff is also being done.

Schools were closed for more than a year due to the Corona pandemic. However, the virtual class continued during this period. There is enthusiasm among the children about the opening of the school, but parents are also a little scared about the possibility of a third wave. At the same time, it is the effort of the state governments that education in schools should be started gradually amid the decreasing infection of Corona.

Schools from 1st to 5th opened in UP from today

Schools for small children from class 1 to 5 have opened in UP from today. Many schools were decorated with colourful cartoons and balloons to welcome the children. The children were welcomed with a tilak. Earlier, their thermal screening was done. Then hands were cleaned with sanitiser. Then the children were made to sit in the classroom with social distancing. During this, the children looked very happy. However, the number of children in the schools on the first day was very less.

Image Credit: Times of India
Image Credit: Times of India

According to the guideline, the education of the children will be done in two shifts. The first shift will be from 8 am to 11 am and the second shift will be from 11:30 am to 1.30 am. Earlier, schools for classes 9-12th and from August 21 to 6-8 have been opened in the state from 16th August. Schools from classes 1 to 5 were closed in March 2020 due to Corona. Since then only online education of children was going on.

Schools from 6 to 8 opened in MP with 50% student strength

Schools from classes 6 to 8 have been opened in Madhya Pradesh from Wednesday with 50% student strength. With the commencement of the session in government schools, teachers are being called, so there is no problem like cleanliness. In private schools also, arrangements have been made to accommodate the children through social distancing. At the same time, school bus operators in Gwalior are not ready to run buses yet. A meeting of the School Bus Operators Union was held on Tuesday, in which it was decided that buses will not be run for a few days now.

Schools open in Delhi from class 9 to 12, strict guidelines apply

Schools for classes 9 to 12 in the national capital Delhi have started from today i.e. 1st September. The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has issued guidelines for school administrators and students. According to this, students will not be able to have lunch together when the school reopens. Only 50% of the students can be called at a time. Along with this, it is necessary for the students, teachers and school management to follow the corona protocol.

Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that schools are open from today, but we have not forced any parent that it is necessary to come to school. If the child wants, he can run the work from the online class itself. The activities of education will move forward gradually. If the cases of corona increase, the school will be closed immediately.

Schools open again in Rajasthan for 9th to 12th

After waiting after 4 months 18 days in Rajasthan, schools have been reopened for the students from today. At present, only students of classes 9th to 12th were admitted on the odd-even formula in the open schools on Wednesday. He was made to sit in the class on the basis of social distancing. Earlier, after checking the temperature of the students, they were admitted to the school. The teacher warmly welcomed him.

After a long time, only 40% of the students in open schools will be called to class every day. The odd-Even formula has been adopted by the school management. Children will be taught on a different batch basis every day. At present, it has not been made compulsory for students to come to school. In such a situation, students will be able to take online education even sitting at home. At the same time, the students who are coming to school will also be able to come without uniforms.

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