For the past few days, a hashtag #WhatsWrongWithIndia has been running on social media platform X to malign the image of India. With this hashtag, some foreign users are sharing videos of some incidents like rape and robbery that took place in India.
According to media reports, X's algorithm is also designed in such a way that posts with #WhatsWrongWithIndia are promoted more. When Indian users came to know about this, to respond, they started sharing videos and news articles of crime related incidents in other countries through this hashtag.
Through these videos and articles, it was told that such incidents do not happen only in India, they also happen in countries like America and UK. On Wednesday, Israel's Embassy in India also posted a video in support of India. In the posts made using this hashtag, Israeli diplomats have told the good things about India. In this, India has been praised for its landing in the south pole of the Moon, tourism sector and food items.
Along with Indian users and Israeli Embassy, the Indian government has also posted with this hashtag. The government has shared screenshots of news articles related to India's achievements on the X handle of its citizen participation portal MyGovIndia. It is written along with it Whats Wrong With India?
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