New flights for Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, and Mumbai from August 1, Starting from Jaipur

SpiceJet flight SG-3262 will start for Ahmedabad and will go to Ahmedabad every day from 22nd July. Air Asia flight I5-1229 will start from Jaipur to Hyderabad.
New flights for Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, and Mumbai from August 1, Starting from Jaipur
Indigo Airlines has decided to stop flights to Goa and Air India to Kolkata from August 1

The declining passenger load in the off-season has increased the concerns of airlines. Indigo Airlines has decided to stop flights to Goa and Air India to Kolkata from August 1. At the same time, SpiceJet's new flight will start for Ahmedabad, Air Asia's Hyderabad, and Mumbai.

Airlines have been struggling with passenger load crunch since the beginning of April. Generally, the arrival of tourists in most districts of the state including Jaipur remains till March. There has been a further reduction in passenger load in June and July. On average 4 to 5 flights are getting canceled daily due to low passenger load.

The worst situation is with SpiceJet and Air Asia. Sources associated with the airlines say that there is a shortage of cabin crew in most of the airlines. However, the number of flights will increase in the coming days.

53 flights are scheduled, but only 49 are operated

A senior airport authority official says that there is not much room for improvement in flight operations in the coming days as well. These days 53 flights are scheduled from the airport but on average only 49 flights are operated every day. In August also, the figure for flight operations may remain around 50. It is expected that the arrival of tourists will increase from October, then there will be a boom in flight operations.

These 3 new flights will be started from Jaipur

· Flight No.-1: SpiceJet flight SG-3262 will start for Ahmedabad and will go to Ahmedabad at 6:45 PM every day from 22nd July.

· Flight number-2: On August 1, Air Asia flight I5-1229 will start from Jaipur to Hyderabad at 5:45 pm.

· Flight No.-3: From August 1, Air Asia's Mumbai flight I5-942 will start daily from Jaipur to Mumbai at 10:25 am, this flight, both Air Asia flights were recently closed.

These 2 flights will be stopped operating

· Indigo Goa flight 6E-768 will be closed from July 21 and departs from Jaipur to Goa at 12:40 pm. The flight will remain closed till August 11 and will run again from August 12.

· Air India flight AI-750 will be closed from July 24, going from Jaipur to Kolkata at 12:40 pm

New flights for Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, and Mumbai from August 1, Starting from Jaipur
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