Guinness World Records: You must have heard of the Guinness World Records. This record lists the names of people who perform unique feats or accomplish something that has never been done before or those who break existing records.
However, have you ever wondered what those listed in the Guinness World Records get in return? In other words, how much money do record holders receive for maintaining a record?
It might surprise you to know that Guinness World Records does not pay anyone for creating a record. Instead, applicants have to pay a fee for attempting to set a record.
According to Guinness World Records, for new record titles, a fee of £5 or $5 plus VAT administration fee is required.
This fee is non-refundable, and your application for a new record title will only be accepted when the record is not already present in the Guinness database.
The company generates revenue through various means, including recording entries, selling books, television licensing, merchandise sales, corporate consultancy, record verification services, and sponsorship.
Additionally, Guinness World Records (GWR), as part of the Canada-based Jim Pattison Group, engages in promotional partnerships with numerous brands to further enhance its earnings.